Thursday, May 03, 2007

Fellow Sufferer

A Wee Snack
Originally uploaded by Tiffibunny.
The photo of this cute little squirrel touches me profoundly. For it reminds me of Lord Buddha's teaching of, "Be compassionate to fellow sufferers."

We hardly stop to think that we are actually no different from this little wide-eyed rodent.

Each day, we work, scrounging for food, living amidst fears of dangers that are imminent around us.

Just look at this little one. Look at how its hands ears are all perked up and so is its tail, its wide-eyes never left you while its tiny paws clutching on the little nibbled biscuits.

Its expression is similar to human's. You could almost see the question that goes on in its mind that it is asking itself whether the creature in front could be trusted.

In life, we do meet people everyday, and we also go into auto-pilot judging mode like the squirrel. But the difference is, for the squirrel it could be the difference between life and death. Or may be this could apply to us all, too. We would never know.

Dear squirrel, hope you enjoyed your snack. And that may you live happily, peacefully and may you one day be able to reach the end of all suffering.

Thanks to from for sharing this wonderful photo. :-)

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