Saturday, December 18, 2004

Being an Early Bird for New Year's Resolution!

Heh-heh. Talking about being an early bird! I went to the gym today! Actually it's one of my perpetual New Year's Resolutions--meaning I repeatedly make it every year.

Not that I manage to be good all year, every year. But at least this year I'm starting early!

Although I've been working out sort of regularly at my condo now in the past 3-4 months, nothing compares to the total gym experience.

From the warm-ups to the work-out to the weight-training, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It feels so good to re-live the old routine once again. You know, the works. Complete with post-excercise Gatorade and the smell of aromatic kamphor from the steam room when I finally walk into the locker to take a shower.

I must have been away from the gym for quite some time because the front guy is new and he handed me the blue towel set (meaning men's locker room) without even look up at me. I had to clear my throat and try to lift up the pitch of my voice a little to state that I'm actually a woman. The guy seemed startled and quickly apologized. I apologized, too, for not showing up for so long (that they don't know me and learn to get over the confusion of my androgynous look.)

Anyway, I sort of understand him. Many things about me confuse people. Not only the external appearance (hey, i can't help it, but i look like my dad than my sweet mom), but my psychological profile as well. I just love hanging out with the guys at the gym, pumping iron, sweating it out on the machines, etc. I feel relaxed in there. Very natural me.

Yes there are women who work out at the gym, too. But I found it strange that I feel like a stranger to them. And they to me! There are times when a few complained to the management, thinking that they let a guy (me) into women's locker. And those hostile or at least questionable stares I got in the locker! I sort of shrug it off and stay cool.

But I have to admit I sometimes get impatient at them also. Women take forever to do their things, you know. Be it showering, dressing up, or giving a final touch in front of the mirror. And sometimes their strong perfume really makes me nauseated. Honestly. I wonder what got into the head of the designer when he/she concocted the perfume!

So, here I am, nagging away like an old lady! Serves me right! hee hee hee Anyway, I plan to go back tomorrow and everyday after this if I'm in town. Let's see if the front guy will remember me this time and hand me the pink towel set!

Must meditate tonight so that I don't go on an eating binge again late at night otherwise my workout will all go down the drain! Ahh...temptation, temptation. May be it's time I get rid of all those chocolate in my fridge as a preventive measure!

Gosh, it felt really good to go back to the gym again!

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